Uncharted/Tomb Raider Crossover - One Day, Maybe?

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Autor: Florence Bailey
Datum Stvaranja: 25 Ožujak 2021
Datum Ažuriranja: 28 Siječanj 2025
Uncharted/Tomb Raider Crossover - One Day, Maybe? - Igre
Uncharted/Tomb Raider Crossover - One Day, Maybe? - Igre

Every gamer has their secret wishes. Maybe you want a certain game to get a sequel, or a character to be introduced in the next game, or maybe you want a reboot of a classic. I am not alone in this. What I really want, is an Uncharted and Tomb Raider crossover. While I’d love a game, I’d be just as happy with a comic or even a book.

Uncharted is one of my favorite game series of all time, and when the Tomb Raider reboot was released earlier this year and was being described by some as having a bit of Uncharted to it, I had to get my hands on it. I did, and I loved it. And that’s when I immediately wanted a crossover.

I could never really see the pre-reboot Lara Croft and Nathan Drake meshing well, but with this new Lara I can definitely see it. Sure, Tomb Raider has a slight more paranormal or supernatural aspect to it, but it’s not like Drake couldn’t be confronted with something like that. I also think the age-difference would be an interesting dynamic – perhaps Drake sees a bit of himself in Lara? I have so many ideas.

Svakako, znam svoje želje. Razumijem stvarnost poteškoća, posebno zato što ih objavljuju zasebni programeri i Tomb Raider je cross-console igra, gdje Uncharted je ekskluzivno za PlayStation. Ipak, strip bi bio lakši način, zar ne? I znam da nisam sama u svojoj želji.

Ali, kao što sam rekao, razumijem stvarnost i volim misliti da sam prilično realistična osoba. Možda nikad neću dobiti svoj crossover, ali barem mogu očekivati Tomb Raider nastavak - koji je bio sve-ali-potvrđen sa najavom u seriji stripova - i još uvijek se nadam da nam Naughty Dog daje Uncharted 4 kada je PlayStation 4 pušten.

Što misliš? Želite li prijelaz između Nathana Drakea i Lare Croft?